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Antimonium tartaricum dose is a homeopathic medicine from the Boiron laboratory.
It is packaged in globules. A Boiron single-dose tube contains approximately 200.
Composition of the drug Antimonium tartaricum dose
This homeopathic medicine from Boiron is formulated with the Antimonium tartaricum strain. It also contains sucrose and lactose.
The Antimonium tartaricum strain comes from antimony and potassium tartrate.
This homeopathic medicine exists in different dilutions, expressed in CH (Hahnemannian centesimals). These are dilutions to the hundredth. So, “5 CH” means that there were 5 such dilutions.
Dosage dosage Antimonium tartaricum
The mode of administration of this homeopathic medicine is the oral route and specifically the sublingual route for better absorption of the active ingredients.
The contents of a single dose are taken in a single dose and in their entirety.
The dosage of the Antimonium tartaricum dose varies depending on the age of the person concerned and their pathology. It must be determined by a homeopathic doctor.
Regarding the method of taking:
in children under 6 years old, the globules should be dissolved in a small quantity of water.
in adults and children over 6 years old, they should be allowed to melt directly under the tongue.
Precautions for use of Antimonium tartaricum dose Boiron
It is necessary to consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
Lactose and sucrose are excipients with a notorious effect.
Packaging: Single-dose tube (approximately 200 globules)
This strain is available in the form of homeopathic Antimonium tartaricum granules, the dosage of which will however not be the same.