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Staphylococcinum dose is a homeopathic medicine from the Boiron laboratory.
Composition of Staphylococcinum Boiron 30 CH dose
The Boiron Staphylococcinum dose medication is made up of a biological strain, Staphylococcinum, which has undergone a transformation process specific to the homeopathic principle.
The strain used in this homeopathic medicine comes from Staphylococcus aureus.
Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria classified as commensal in humans (bacteria which naturally belongs to the skin flora), but which can, in certain situations, be the cause of infections such as boils.
The strain is extracted by a solvent which is a solution of water and alcohol. The mother tincture thus obtained is then diluted several times and each dilution is used to impregnate the globules which will be the source of the medicine.
The globules are basically composed of sucrose and lactose.
The dilutions to which the mother tincture will have been subjected are dilutions to the hundredth. They are called CH, for Hahnemannian Centesimals. Their name comes from that of the doctor who founded homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann.
Staphylococcinum 30CH dose dosage
The globules contained in the Staphylococcinum 30CH dose will be taken orally sublingually. They are to be placed under the tongue to melt there.
In children under 6 years old, they will need to be dissolved in a small quantity of water.
The Boiron laboratory also offers this strain in granules with Staphylococcinum in granule tubes.
Precautions for use of Staphylococcinum 30CH dose Boiron
This medication in the form of globules contains sucrose and lactose, excipients with a notorious effect.
If symptoms persist after taking the Staphylococcinum 30CH dose, you should consult a doctor.
Packaging: Single-dose tube (approximately 200 globules).